my peeps The Boys
Surfer Mitch
Scared Bunny
my peeps The Girls
Janet Charlton
Go Fug Yourself
the pretty pictures
Tristan Roy
Owen Billcliffe
No Traces
Sam Javanrouh
the professionals blog
Matthew Good
Margaret Cho
Rick Mercer
Tony Pierce
Whil Wheaton
shameless self promotion
blue eyes, crooked teeth, intellectual, goofball, slacker, socialist.
Stuff and Nonsense
You LOVE Me THIS much
What Came Before
From the ghost land of the easy life.
29 June 2005 on the been having a fast forward rewind day : I got all desirous of seeing the X-Files today. Since it doesn't play here on tv anymore I pulled out my tapes. Yea I am that kind of X-files fan. One thing I always notice about the episodes is the commercials if I've taped them too. Some of the episodes I taped when they originally aired and some I taped later than that. There used to be repeats on Space channel and I kept up with them when I could, now I don't think they even air there anymore and I miss it. There's still nothing worth watching on a Sunday night if you ask me. Any how some of the episodes are straight from FOX and come with the American commercials, some are from FOX but have the Canadian commercials and some are from Space or Global and have the Canadian commercials. I get a kick out of the bumpers for Space. All the shows that came and went on that station and yet they still have time to show everything Gene Roddenberry ever put his name on. They finally stopped showing Earth Final Conflict and Andromeda took it's place. Over all I like Space because It shows things I like such as Buffy and Angel, the 4400, the new BattleStar Galactica (which I meant to try to get into but somehow couldn't) and The Dead Zone. Damn Anthony Michael Hall growed up good. I miss my X-Files. Sure there's Stargate SG-1 and soon Stargate Atlantis Rising will be on. Yes I still watch the occasional STNG. I don't want to be stuck with Voyager anymore tho. And I know I'll die a disloyal trekkie's death for this but I'm kinda wishing the original Star Trek would take a break. And I'm really hoping that in some small way the Space Channel will bring back Mulder and Scully for the rabid fan like me. I miss you Mulder and Scully, Space please return them to me!!!!!!! I've started emailing Space with my plea. Feel free to join in their email is: Thanks! Keep blogging :) ghost writer Ambrrrr at 11:42 PM she's thought about not understood she's aching to be : In a month my sister gets another year older. She's already bugging me about what I'm gonna get her. She wants the Pacifier on DVD. I'm busy thinking, “It’s not like you got me anything for my birthday. I had to buy my own cake." I'm big on birthday cake BTW. Just the one thing I think people should get on their birthdays from other people. I don't care about presents so much as the thought that goes into getting a good cake. Being that food is my drug of choice this surprises no one who knows me, not that any of those people read this :) I love that about my blog. So I was online and about today and saw this hysterical conversation on I used to work for Wal-Mart. I've been told the Canadian version is horrble compared to the US stores. I wouldn't know, never been to a US Wally World. Then I went and found this comment on : And finally, there’s now evidence that there’s nobody that the Walmart family won’t destroy in the name of a profit. Sleep with one eye open, obviously-targeted rest-of-the-family. ASIDE: I think all Canadian corporations are run badly. It's been my experience there's a lot of management out there that believes their staff is the equivalent of the slaves building the pyramids and they are the pharaohs being honoured by the work. Take that however you like, but I'm not impressed with management much and wish I could magically become a consultant that goes around and teaches management how to be human beings and stop acting like they're monarchy cuz they're not doing the grunt work. Sorry, I have issues with authority. ASIDE DONE. Other than that I've been having a guilty giggle at the misfortunes of others. Is this bad karma? I don't know. Gave up the ghost and took the 2 Nintendo GameCube games I was keeping into the local Jumbo Video and sold them for 10 measly bucks. I still have a GameCube and controller here. The cube itself has no power supply or other wires to set it up properly with so I'll probably just give it away at some point. I wonder if I could sell it on E-bay for a season of the X-Files? Oh, in the mundane triviality of my life I've discovered Pepsi with Lime. It's not as good as regular Pepsi when I put lime juice in it but it's naturally flavoured so it's not giving me hives. Fun fact about me, I have bizarre food allergies that make me break out in hives. I can't eat Texas Carrot Muffins, I can't drink liquor with artificial flavouring in it (Absolut raspberry I mean you), I can't have peanut sauce of any kind, and I can't eat Kikkoman Soya sauce. All hive inducing products. The doctors think I'm nuts when I tell them this but I know what happens when I eat Cajun spice Mahi Mahi at the fish market in the Market in Ottawa. Thank Goodness Shopper's DrugMart is open til midnight. Keep blogging and may all you food taste good and have zero calories :) ghost writer Ambrrrr at 11:09 PM 28 June 2005 I thought I saw something so I looked, I blinked, then I looked again : My sincerest compliments to MPH at Heightened Thoughts. Always a good laugh to be had there. Also I found myself linked to in Smaller Thoughts. It's the first link I've found, and I've gotten quite an OCD about my site, so thanks again MPH. I'm on the bandwagon for 100 compliments in 100 days. Go here to join: I try to leave compliments/anecdotes/encouragement where ever I go. I don't want to get a rep as a troll and I kind of like the whole "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all." idea. Mostly because if I said everything I ever thought I'd have been stabbed, shocked, poisoned, frozen, hung, electrocuted, and burned. Good on ya if you know where I got this one. I'm trying to compliment people for the rest of the day so I'd just like to let you know, dear reader, that you sure look good today :) Keep blogging. ghost writer Ambrrrr at 11:33 PM NEEDY or why I’m a loner in 1000 words or less : I have one of those brain-IS-ALWAYS-on problems. I’m always thinking about something. Even when it’s so hot outside it saps my will to live I think about how I’m going to get what I need out of life. I don’t dwell on what I want too much because I’m a product of my environment. I’m deeply consumeristic with a streak of blatant entitlement. I want it all and I want it now. I want everything every fairytale ever promised, I want all that the movies ever said an adult with a job would have. I’m brainwashed by Friends and the fact that everywhere I go I see people who have stuff that I thought I’d have by now and I don’t. I keep saying I can’t afford it but the truth is I don’t want to work that hard. I could be working 60 hours a week, they really need people to come in and do overtime as they’re training all people on this other campaign (not me tho so I constantly get told about OT). I don’t want to get up for work at 6 am and start my day on the phones at 8. Since I can only work 13 hours a day max, I’d only start that early on Saturdays and my days off. If I did overtime. It seems really attractive while I sit here suffering heat exhaustion, to be at work with AC and making money. I’ve just lost the desire to acquire like that. For about 6 years I did anything and everything for money and I had no social life but I had tonnes of stuff I thought I wanted. I had clothes, I had the ability to travel and do what I wanted and yet it wasn’t enough. I didn’t stop wanting more because all of it wasn’t making me feel accomplished or happy. I’ve seen the evil of the dollar and I have turned away from it. I guess. But I still need it. I need to eat and I need to live somewhere so I need money to get those things. I’m starting to see the attractiveness of the whole sugar daddy scenario. I don’t think I could really be that kind of girl but the kept woman thing, being a glorious bit on the side or whatever, is starting to make financial if not moral sense to me these days. It really is my work ethic that saves me from turning into a money trollop and darting out to find the first guy with dough I can exploit into keeping me around. My number one problem is having too much time on my hands. While I’m sitting around thinking about things I can string the musing out into a full-blown scenario and imagine it from every angle. Which is great for a writer but not so great when you turn that corner you couldn’t see past, and wind up staring at a blank wall. It happens to me a lot. I just never imagine what really happens I am too affected by my idea of what I thought should have happened. That’s the sore sticking spot for me. Some might argue I’m not in touch with reality, which is why it so easily disappoints me. I think it’s the opposite. I know what the reality is, I just want to believe that I really CAN create my own reality and in doing so people will be what I expect them to be. Now that sounds like I’m all about making people to be a certain way, but really I just want them to be what the pretend to be. If you tell me you are going to do something, do it. If you say you are doing something for me, don’t go on and on about how hard it is for you – especially if I NEVER asked for your help. Amazingly enough I am terribly self-sufficient because asking for help from people has always left me doing it myself. How silly of me to think because someone offers to help that they really mean it and will actually help. Reality has other plans that always bring me back to disillusionment with people. I like people I just don’t know what makes them tick. I can’t believe we en masse are so selfish and self absorbed. Are we really just out for ourselves and fuck everyone else, no matter what lengths you take that ideal too? I’m a hopeless romantic and I do see the good in everyone which is why the ire is so bitter when that person I was liking and wanting to get to know ends up being mean, rude, self involved and churlish to the bone. I don’t want to hang out with people who are all showing me the worst part of myself. How will I ever develop my finer qualities if I never meet anyone out there that has some I can emulate until using them becomes natural to me? Please can someone start being my role model before I sink into despair and become the living embodiment of all the things I just can’t stand? ghost writer Ambrrrr at 6:13 PM 27 June 2005 Sunday top ten round up, another week bites the dust : 10) God's Hotel - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 9) Street Spirit - Radiohead 8) All I Have to do Is Dream (any version) 7) Shy - Ani DiFranco 6) You Stole the Sun From My Heart - Manic Street Preachers 5) Notorius -Duran Duran 4) Gimme The Light - Sean Paul 3) Anti-pop - Matthew Good Band 2) Purple - Paul Oakenfold/Sasha 1) Don't Cha - The Pussy Cat Dolls Keep Blogging :) ghost writer Ambrrrr at 1:14 AM 24 June 2005 her ego wrote cheques incredibly fast but her personality didn't have the cash : So because I'm insane I'm working 5 hours today on my day off. I was sick last Saturday for half the day and am making up the time (mostly). I'm not crazy about my job and getting quite addled looking for an alternative. Small towns/big towns - neither is great for job hunting when you have minus connections and plus skills. It's a shame but it really is in whom you know not how good you are at anything. Oh I'm sorry I may be whining. I've decided that just because I'm willing to openly state the opportunities (hurdles) I have facing me and it's not always easy to put a smiley face on the circumstances I find myself in I don't always do so in a bright shiny optimistic way; it doesn't mean I'm a whiner. Really I'm just talking and I'm not looking for anyone to run out and fix things for me. It would be nice to get a bit of understanding out there in the cold hard world. I can't be THE ONLY ONE who takes shit way too serious and in doing so makes things way harder than they need to be and in the process gets a but frowny faced at the way the grand scheme disintegrated into a big ole pile of horse manuer. (Err I know the spelling's off, sorry.) My life, so far, has been overly dramatic and maybe I need to go to Mary J. Blige's place and let her teach me all about how I can have no more drama in my life. I may have to go to drama queens' anonymous. I'm not the only one though so I don't feel so single in the experience I've had. Funny that, misery loves company and usually that company has stories a lot like yours. Call it group therapy - Girls getting over drug-addicted drunks. (G-GODAD) Wow I like the acronym even tho it's like totally unintentional. Why am I talking about all this? Well because the 1-year separation part is almost over and now I find out I could have filed the paperwork months ago. I haven't heard from the soon to be officially Ex-Husband in nearly 6 months and I don't want to call him either. I have been wondering why he hasn't called because he has a new woman now and knowing him he's dying to tie her down soon so I'm thinking I should be getting the papers anytime from him. He has a rich family. They are very litigious so no doubt he's seen a lawyer. I don't want alimony, even though he makes twice as much as me. I want him gone like the bad dream I wish he were. I want to get rid of his name (going to pick a new last name pay to change it legally and then never change it again ever - sorry future husband.) I want to get rid of my wedding gown, even though I love it. I want to burn it and all of the pictures I have of the wedding in effigy to the good times tarnished by the overbearing bad. I don't think my building would like to see that going on on the lawn. I don't want to feel like I wasted my time I want to be positive and want to leave feeling I learned something. Mostly I do but there is some bitter edge in there and I never wanted that. It makes me sad. Thing is I've been dreaming lately. Not that that's new, I dream all the time. I never dreamed about my husband, not once not ever. Guess that says something as I've had dreams with just about everyone I've ever met in them. I still have dreams where my Dad appears and disapproves of something I'm doing and I just tell him off and do it anyways. I'm still scared of him in my dreams but I take control of my power over myself and do what I want. Anyways what I'm trying to say isn't about standing up to authority figures. It's about waking up laughing. Now I've woken up from dreams many times feeling things. I've awoken feeling the embrace from a dream, feeling fear and panic I've even woken up crying and so sad it hurt to breathe. I've woken up laughing out loud about 3 times I can remember and 2 of those times happened this week. I feel all weird and creepy when I wake up laughing. First of all I never remember who I was talking too or what was so funny that I laughed like that. It's so weird to wake up laughing. I'm so loud, I actually wake myself up which leaves me feeling like I shouldn't have gone and laughed because I needed to know more and now I was not going to be able to go back to sleep and find out the important thing. Except - maybe that is the important thing. That I woke up laughing. That no matter how dark the horizon looks in my impeccably focused forward to the financial pitfalls of the future mind. I'm actually pretty happy. It's not the Ritz but I do have a place to live, clothes, food, internet, a decent paying job. I guess I need to be reminded to live now and enjoy that I have things many don't. I didn't get them by chance or inheritance. I worked for all of it, and sometimes I sit here and think damn I'm so material I need to get rid off all of it and go real low tech. I wouldn't make it, I'd die of a sore ass from sitting on the concrete floor and staring at the bare room imagining all the stuff I used to have before I went crazy and gave my music collection and video/dvd collections away. And let's not forget the tables. I have now 4 tables and assorted plastic storage totes decorating my living space. I still have the borrowed ass chair and no other furniture to sit on should company come by. Good thing I have no friends :) Anyone want this giant glass topped round bamboo/rattan bottomed table? Really it's way too big to be here and I don't know what to do with it. It was given to me and I'm just trying to return the favour. I have to go soon. Work calls and I don't wanna go, but there is no choice here because I need the money for rent and all that jazz. I'm actually hoping to wake up laughing again soon. It's good for you - laughter :) It's calorie free and causes the good wrinkles and works out the facial muscles. I believe in wrinkles. I don't look my age but even if I did I'd still want to have wrinkles. I like getting older and wiser (I can hope). I like standing up for myself and demanding my credit when it's due and letting the injustices I feel, be known. If that causes me to be seen as a whiner so be it. I never fault people for asking questions but there are those who do and I've been told I complain too much and whine too much but I don't think asking why is this _______ happening? - constitutes whining or complaining. I just want to understand and if others don't understand my curiosity. If it frightens people so bad they have to call me a whiner/complainer - I don't know why. I guess I never learned not to ask why? what? who? how? when? It's all about my inner journalist and then again I have no inner editor so all my complex MUD qualities of optimistic pessimism gel and spew forth into this keening series of questions/complaints - and there is never an answer. I don't NEED to know everything but I WANT to. I do need a good astronomy map and some one to go stargazing with. I know the big and little dippers, can usually find Orion and Orion's belt and there after am lost. Another thing I have forgotten. See around here there’s less light pollution so I can see the stars while I walk home at night and maybe that's a wonderful thing. I look forward to it these days. Keep blogging. ghost writer Ambrrrr at 4:12 PM 22 June 2005 ranting, raving and the rules of music ownership : I ran into this girl I used to know yesterday and it pissed me off for about 4 hours. Why? We first met over ten years ago, and even though I’m desperate for friends right now, I’d rather put my foot in a meat grinder and grind it off myself than be friends with her again. She was, and it turns out, still is the most selfish self-centered person. Back in the day I lost a good many friends because she decided to tell everyone horrible things about me as payback for me spreading rumours about her behind her back. She later found out it wasn’t me spreading said rumours and her solution to all the strife she had caused? Just pretend it didn’t happen. If she apologized I’d say thank you but I still wouldn’t be her friend. Running into her was like a blast from the past – even though she doesn’t look the same. See the funny thing is I still look pretty much the same. Still about the same weight and then there’s my tattoos. Anyone who knew me then would recognize them. So like I said, it ticked me off for hours. Mostly because it was like we time warped back and it was all about her again and even though she followed me and made a point of introducing herself – “Do you know me? Probably not I’m bigger now. I have all these neighbours that are always saying how I was so skinny and asking what happened.” For someone that went to such great lengths to let me know she was there I have to wonder why. It wasn’t to find anything out about me. She didn’t ask how I was or what I’d been up to or if I wanted to catch up sometime. It was just talking about her. Mind you there happened to be some one else there that knew her when, and co-opted the conversation about their good old days. I got to notice how manly this girl’s hands had become; accented by the fact she was wearing a man’s watch. I learned that she has a kid, is doing well for herself, will be around the building (oh joy) and her mom works at Wal-Mart. That means I used to work with her mom. Wonder who that was? So it threw me off. Mostly because I am a great believer in providence and opportunities and was suddenly wondering what the world was thinking by putting the last person I ever thought about from my past when the word friend comes up – and putting them in my path again. Is this a challenge to my ability forgive and finally forget? Am I supposed to demonstrate how I’ve learned from past mistakes and not take this dare to repeat them? Was it just a freak accident? Should I try to be nice or make every effort to avoid her and become a virtual prisoner to my own apartment? Not a clue here. Not a single clue. Some might ask why I even care? Well I have learned that things like this, if left to themselves, can only get worse. Where as having a plan of attack minimizes the surprise factor and makes things easier to deal with. The basic laws of packing apply well to relationships that aren’t that good. Yes I would about kill to have someone around town to do things with but even that doesn’t stop me from wanting to slap her flightly subject smiley face and demand an apology for all the shit she caused me back then. Ok maybe this is all about forgiveness and I need to just act like all that went on before didn’t happen, but then how do I learn from my own mistakes? Answer that grasshopper and the world is yours to command. I bought the Killer’s cd the other day. I figure it met the requirements I have in place for new music. I had heard and liked three songs and the cd was there, it was well pried. Now I’ve only listened to half the cd but so far I’m really reminded of Robert Smith of the Cure by the vocals and the synthesizers remind me a bit of Duran Duran, the Smiths and the Cure. Err maybe I’m stretching here but I don’t think so. This is all after only half the cd so my opinion may change and I don’t know all the words yet so I can’t say who/what the writing reminds me of. I do have to wonder what’s up with Eric Roberts though. Now I’ve known about Eric Roberts since I had a brief love affair with Chuck Norris-esque martial arts movies in the 1980’s. I still can’t see the family resemblance between Eric and Julia but then I’ve never seen either of them together at the same time. And what –pray tell – does this have to do with the Killers? Well Eric plays the cuckold in the Killer’s Mr. Brightside video. He also plays the same role in 2 Mariah Carey videos, most notably We Belong Together (ok I don’t remember the name of the other song). I’m thinking it’s good exposure to a new audience being in all these glossy videos for hip music makers but really why always the dumb guy? First the self absorbed Will on Less Than Perfect and now the cuckold? How The Best of The Best has fallen. Being that I have this hard and fast rule about liking and knowing 3 songs off an album before getting it, does anyone know if Athlete is worth the risk? I’ve only heard one song so far, on MuchMusic to boot. I liked it but can’t get the name of it to stay in my head. My rule has saved me from owning every cd from every artist that I ever heard a song I like from. This is why I love compilations, I can get the songs I like without getting stuck with an entire cd of stuff I have no use for, just for one song. It doesn’t work so well for bands I really like. It didn’t save me from getting the last 2 U2 cd’s. I grew into liking All That You Can’t Leave Behind. I don’t know if I’ll grow into liking How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb. I know U2 rock live, they could set their laundry list to music and it’d be awesome live. Cd’s just don’t compare. Next time I’m holding out for the rule though, won’t get fooled again. U2 happens to be the only band I haven’t bought the greatest hits from. I was such a fan at first that I got everything I could, every album, cd, vinyl single, cassette and interview disk I could get. I didn’t need to get the greatest hits I already have all of them. I have bought greatest hits for everyone else though. I keep getting the Fleetwood Mac greatest hits, let’s face it I’ll probably never see them live so that is a must and then the other greatest hits have different hits on them. Yeah I know I’m a musical pack rat. I’m already planning on getting the new Def Leppard Greatest hits, The Offspring’s and Pearl Jam’s, I have the Leppard collection Vault but the new one has more songs all in one package. It’s almost getting to the point where I’m seriously questioning my commitment to my vinyl collection. Do I really need to keep it, it’s so heavy and hard to move and store and I can’t even play it for I have a 40 dollar stereo with no turn table. It’ll be a while before that happens, gotta get the e-bay account first :) One last thing, as I sit here doing the laundry (again? I know and I'm not even a clothes horse) and revisiting season 1 of The Pretender, I understand why I like learning so much. The idea of the show is there's this guy who's super smart and he can be anything all he needs to do is a little reading and he can bluff his way through with confidence and panache. I knew Michael T. Weiss from Days of Our Lives and so it wasn't hard for me to follow him to primetime. A soap hunk and a good premise, I was there. I don't know who I wanted to be more, the pretender, the one who could do anything at all just by trying - or Ms. Parker. I wanted to look like Andrea Parker and I still do. She's maintainded herself well and she does for the power suit what Scully never managed to IMHO - she makes it look cool. That's me: always looking for role models on television. No wonder I'm so LOST :) ghost writer Ambrrrr at 10:46 PM 21 June 2005 I promised you movies and here it is in meme form : 1. Copy the entire list to your own blog. 2. Highlight the movies you've seen. 3. Add five others you've seen to the end of the list (and bold them) 1. Napoleon Dynamite 2. Saw 3. White Noise 4. White Oleander 5. Anger Management 6. 50 First Dates 7. Jason 8. Scream 9. Scream 2 10. Scream 3 11. Scary Movie 12. Scary Movie 2 13. Scary Movie 3 14. American Pie 15. American Pie 2 16. American Wedding 17. Harry Potter 18. Harry Potter 2 19. Harry Potter 3 20. Resident Evil I 21. Resident Evil 2 (aka RE: Apocalypse) 22. The Wedding Singer 23. Little Black Book 24. The Village 25. Donnie Darko 26. Lilo & Stitch 27. Finding Nemo 28. Finding Neverland 29. 13 Ghosts 30. Signs 31. The Grinch 32. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (The Original) 33. White Chicks 34. Butterfly Effect 35. 13 going on 30 36. I, Robot 37. Dodgeball 38. Universal Soldier 39. A Series Of Unfortunate Events 40. Along Came A Spider 41. Deep Impact 42. Kingpin 43. Never Been Kissed 44. Meet The Parents 45. Meet The Fockers 46. Eight Crazy Nights 47. A Cinderella Story 48. The Terminal 49. The Lizzie McGuire Movie 50. Passport to Paris 51. Dumb & Dumber 52. Dumb & Dumberer 53. Final Destination 54. Final Destination 2 55. Halloween 56. Halloween 2 57. Halloween 3 58. Halloween 4 59. Halloween 5 60. H20 61. Halloween: the Resurrection 62. The Ring 63. The Ring 2 64. Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle 65. Practical Magic 66. Chicago 67. Ghost Ship 68. From Hell 69. Team America: World Police 70. Hellboy 71. Secret Window 72. I Am Sam 73. The Whole Nine Yards 74. The Day After Tomorrow 75. Child's Play 76. Bride of Chucky 77. Ten Things I Hate About You 78. Just Married 79. Gothika 80. A Nightmare on Elm Street 81. Sixteen Candles 82. Bad Boys 2 83. Joy Ride 84. Seven 85. Oceans Eleven 86. Oceans Twelve 87. Identity 88. Lone Star 89. Bedazzled 90. Predator 91. Predator II 92. Independence Day 93. Cujo 94. A Bronx Tale 95. Darkness Falls 96. Christine 97. ET 98. Children of the Corn 99. My Boss' Daughter 100. Maid in Manhattan 101. Frailty 102. Best bet 103. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 104. She's All That 105. Calendar Girls 106. Sideways 107. Mars Attacks 108. Event Horizon 109. Ever After 110. Forrest Gump 112. Big Trouble in Little China 113. X-Men 114. X-Men 2 115. Jeepers Creepers 116. Jeepers Creepers 2 117. Catch Me If You Can 118. The Others 119. Freaky Friday 120. Reign of Fire 121. Man on Fire 122. Braveheart 123. Cruel Intentions 124. The Hot Chick 125. Swimfan 126. Miracle 127. Friday Night Lights 128. Old School 129. Ray 130. The Notebook 131. K-Pax 132. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 133. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 134. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 135. A Walk to Remember 136. Sweet Home Alabama 137. Moulin Rouge 138. Boogeyman 139. Hitch 140. Back Door Sluts 9 141. The Fifth Element 142. Star Wars episode I 143. Star Wars episode II 144. Star Wars episode IV 145. Star Wars episode V 146. Star Wars episode VI 147. Troop Beverly Hills 148. Swimming with Sharks 149. Trainspotting 150. People under the stairs 151. Blue Velvet 152. The Sound of Music 153. Parent Trap - either version 154. The Burbs 155. SLC Punk 156. Meet Joe Black 157. Wild Girls 158. A Clockwork Orange 159. The Order 160. Spiderman 161. Spiderman 2 162. Amelie 163. Mean Girls 164. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen 165. Shrek 166. Shrek 2 167. The Incredibles 168. Collateral 169. The Fast & The Furious 170. 2 Fast 2 Furious 171. Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow 172. Closer 173. The Sixth Sense 174. Artificial intelligence 175. Love, Actually 176. The Sweetest Thing 177. Shutter 178. Ella Enchanted 179. Princess Diaries 1 180. Princess Diaries 2 181. The Breakfast Club 182. October Sky 183. Remember the Titans 184. Titanic 185. Boondock Saints 186. American History X - there's an X in the title, yo. 187. Fight Club 188. Heavenly Creatures 189. Stealing Beauty 190. Like Water For Chocolate 191. Powwow Highway 192. Secretary 193. But I'm A Cheerleader 194. I <3 Huckabees 195. Ripley's Game 196. Coffee And Cigarettes 197. Taxi Driver 198. Silence Of The Lambs 199. The Exorcist 200. If Lucy Fell 201. Lady Jane 201. When Harry met Sally 202. Me, Myself & Irene 203. Kung Fu Hustle 204. Sin City 205. Labyrinth 206. Much Ado About Nothing 207. The Cowboy Way 208. Paulie 209. Blazing Saddles 210. Galaxy Quest 211. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead 212. Citizen Kane 213. You Can Count on Me 214. Young Frankenstein 215. Raiders of the Lost Ark 216. Starman 217. St. Elmos Fire 218. Coyote Ugly 219. The Other Sister 220. Rainman 221. Little Shop of Horrors 222. Chasing Amy 223. House of Sand and Fog 224. Mildred Pierce 225. The Big Lebowski 226. Mallrats 227. Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind 228. The Goonies 229. Starsky & Hutch 230. Saved! 231. The Upside of Anger 232. Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song 233. The Cat's Meow 234. The Rutles 235. Waking Ned Devine 236. Pirates of the Caribbean 237. Little Women 238. Huck Finn 239. National Treasure 240. Oh Brother Where Art Thou? 241. Dick 242. Howard the Duck 243. Garden State 244. Hero 245. Spinal Tap 246. Almost Famous 247. Before Sunrise 248. Before Sunset 249. Troy 250. Gone With The Wind 251. Chocolat 252. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 253. Now and Then 254. Romeo and Juliet (any version) 255. Ferris Bueler's Day Off 256. Grease 257. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? 258. Mr. North 259. The African Queen 260. The Wizard of Oz 261. Country Girl 262. The Philadelphia Story 263. Bringing Up Baby 264. The Aviator 265. An Affair to Remember 266. Sabrina (any version) 267. Holiday 268. Conspiracy Theory 269. Stage Door 270. Rigaletto 271. White Christmas 272. Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 273. The Wedding Planner 274. Arsenic and Old Lace 275. A Day at the Races 276. Willy Wonka 277. Bend it Like Beckham 278. Star Wars Episode III 279. A Beautiful Mind 280. Urban Legend 281. The Dead Poet's Society 282. Kill Bill vol. 1 283. Kill Bill vol. 2 284. The Royal Tenenbaums 285. The Life Aquatic 286. American Beauty 287. A Chorus Line 288. Iron Jawed Angels 289. Phantom of the Opera 290. A League of their Own 291. Stuart Little 292. Notting Hill 293. A Lot Like Love 294. Along came Polly 295. Billy Madison 296. Happy Gilmore 297. A Hard Day's Night 298. Monty Python and the Holy Grail 299. The Motorcycle Diaries 300. Y Tu Mama Tambien 301. Bokura no War Game 302. Raise Your Voice 303. The Birds 304. Camp Nowhere 305. Billy Elliot 306. Anchorman 307. The Crow 308. *62 309. Queen Of The Damned 310. Jumanji 311. Gattaca 312. Benny and Joon 313. Tank Girl 314. Monty Python: The Meaning of Life 315. A Knight's Tale 316. Anastasia 317. Unconditional Love 318. Casablanca 319. About A Boy 320. Bridget Jones's Diary 321. Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reason 322. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 323. House of Flying Daggers 324. Legally Blonde 325. Sense and Sensibility 326. School of Rock 327. It Could Happen to You 328. Wilde 329. Dark City 330. Home Fries 331. House Arrest 332. Leon: The Professional 333. Rear Window 334. The Nightmare Before Christmas 335. Dead Alive 336. Interview with The Vampire 337. 28 Days Later 338. Bringin' Down the House 339. Gladiator 340. Something Funny Happened on the Way to the Forum 341. Only You 342. What Women Want 343. Demon Knight 344. Sean of the Dead 345. The Princess Bride 346. Aliens 347. The Blues Brothers 348. Mystery, Alaska 349. Beetlejuice 350. Big Fish 351. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 352. The Game 353. The Ususal Suspects 354. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 355. The Last Seduction 356. Dogma 357. The Hot Chick 358. From Dusk til Dawn ghost writer Ambrrrr at 10:44 PM 20 June 2005 Sunday Top Ten Trio : A bit late but here they is the mind's jukebox top pics. 10) Don't Cha - Pussy Cat Dolls 9) Believe - The Chemical Brothers 8) 1 2 Step - Ciara 7) Street Spirit - Radiohead 6) Accidentally In Love - The Counting Crows 5) Chemicals Between Us - Bush 4) Violet - Hole 3) Gimme The Light - Sean Paul 2) Força - Nelly Furtado 1) Closest Thing To Crazy -Katie Melua Goodnight. Keep blogging. ghost writer Ambrrrr at 12:23 AM 18 June 2005 I'm an 80's baby: much Love to John Hughes, John Cusack and The TOP 40 : The Breakfast Club: Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it is we did wrong, but we think you're crazy for making us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us, as you want to see us, in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out, is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club. I’m a fan of The Breakfast Club. In general I enjoyed all those 1980’s teen angst films. I could find something to relate to in almost any character. I have to admit I didn’t really relate to either of the characters in Say Anything, but I’m a hopeless romantic so the movie was worth viewing. The Breakfast Club, on the other hand, really hit home. Not only could I see myself in them then, today I can almost tell you how much of my personality was what character – almost to the ounce. Scary thought I know. So being that, for eighties kids, TBC defined your type I’m here to tell you who I was back then (and in someways still am today- do we ever grow up?). Way back when I lived with my folks and went to school and generally hated being alive on a whole new level, there was this movie. I saw TBC before I saw Sixteen Candles, so when I saw Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall together in Sixteen Candles I thought wow these guys did 2 movies together that’s great. It didn’t occur to me that Anthony Michael Hall had changed all that much from one picture to another or that one would have been released before the other. Teen Angst Self Absorption at full throttle. Now where I grew up we didn’t lack for teen magazines even though we had no radio station, movie theatre or much mainstream media at first. Then the town bought a satellite dish and began ‘stealing’ signals and broadcasting it to everyone in town. That was until some ‘nice person’ wrote a thank you letter that was published in the town paper and got back to the ‘authorities’ down south and then we had a brand spanking new cable company and everyone had to pay for the previously free goods. It’s basic economic principles at work here, supply the drug for free and when they’re hooked start charging. 'Nice person’ was never forgiven. And so it came to be that American movies came to my television. I’d watch anything and everything. I wasn’t allowed to watch the horror movies at first, or anything with sex in it. But Dad and Mum, being the drinkers they were - it was easy to get around them. People in town went through phases of loving Footloose and Flashdance. I remember those emulations so well. No one wanted to emulate the kids of TBC though, it all hit too close to home. Everyone vehemently denied being like any of the characters and did everything they could to forget the movie existed. It was almost like a scandalous thing to have seen and embraced TBC and to identify yourself with any of the characters. I loved it. I still love it. I still have friends that want to tell me that they cannot identify with any of TBC people and I know they’re lying. See what I find great about The Breakfast Club is that you don’t have to be 100% anyone character; you could be some bit off all of them. Back then I was equal parts The Brain and The Basketcase with a heavy dose of The Criminal’s attitude and a sprinkle of The Jock’s need to please thrown in. All I wanted was to be The Princess. That never happened. The first times I saw the movie I related so closely to Ally Sheedy’s character Alison that I wished I was Ally Sheedy. At least she got friends and looked good by the end. I spent high school feeling ignored by everyone, friends and family alike. I was a mean girl in my own private judgmental way, but I also craved attention and would do anything to get it. I wasn’t a nymphomaniac, didn’t see a shrink and to this day have never gone to detention for anything, not even a lark. (I got detention in grade 3 because someone stole a library book I took out after I had returned it. That doesn’t count.) As I got older I could see more of Anthony Michael Hall’s Brian in my personality. The need to succeed became very apparent to me in my 20’s. My cynical and angry side, akin to Judd Nelson’s Bender, also became very apparent. I still wanted with all my heart to be like Molly Ringwald’s Claire. I don’t and never have seen myself as athletic; so I had a hard time seeing myself as Emilio Estevez’s Jock. I see it now because I had to come to terms with my need to please and be what other people wanted me to be. I got some Oprah learning on that one. I’m still not athletic but the reasons The Jock tapes Larry’s butt cheeks together are just the same as why I went to school for so long and ended up so much in debt and still wondering what I wanted. I did it because I didn’t want to let anyone down, I wanted to be what people expected me to be. Just like The Jock, I needed to make everyone proud or they wouldn’t love me anymore. Claire was the one I didn’t identify with. As the only person I didn’t really get she was the one I most wanted to be. Because she was nothing like me, my teenage addled brain insisted, she must be perfect. To this day I have a sneaking suspicion that when I dye my hair red it’s because I’m emulating Molly Ringwald, not because a red bob makes people think of Scully when they see me. It’s usually just a passing thought of Claire. I think about it now because there’s been so much to do about the actors getting together for the MTV awards as they received a trophy for TBC. Judd and Emilio weren’t there. Too bad for them I think. Everyone looked great. Of course Anthony Michael Hall is all over tv with the Dead Zone, so everyone knows he grew up well. Ally’s dress was awesome and Molly looked good in her pink dress. I don’t like pink. Everyone was hoping to see the whole gang together again but it didn’t happen and I don’t miss the two who didn’t show up much. There’s a series of b-horror movies that you can see Judd Nelson in anytime and Emilio has the Mighty Ducks if you need to see him. For me the most important parts of the movie were there. The ones I thought I was and the one I wanted most to be. ghost writer Ambrrrr at 8:07 PM 17 June 2005 these are the days of our lives they've flown in the swiftness of time : So here I am on my one day off trying to get all my bills paid, the groceries bought, the friends caught up with, the cleaning done. I have to be all over town in 5 minutes and straighten out a banking mess over the phone 5 minutes before the bank closes. And this is my day off? I'm still mystified by figuring out how to make my webpage look the way I want it to. I guess the world of coding pages passed me by during the last few years and now I don't know how to catch up. Anyone coming by who knows a trick or two drop me a line so maybe I can get my site looking shippty ship shape. In other news I'm having a good day. Got a haircut, rented a few movies and I haven't seen an ant in days. Still gonna stock up on raid tho. Anyone out there who knows a better way to get rid of them permanently then leave it at the comments k? Oh yea and todays poll question is should I bleach my hair blonde? For those of you wondering about waht colour it was it was red. Now that I've got a decent it's in desperate need of a definitive colour choice as half red and half strawberry blonde doesn't cut it. At least not for me. To add to the general post cereal type day I got carded twicw after getting my hair cut, and you can see my grey hair too. It wasn't all bad and I'm going to have a laugh and then go to sleep as I have to be at work at 8 am, have I mentioned how MUCH I detest this shift? Really I totally HATE it. I'm SO NOT a morning person. Keep blogging. ghost writer Ambrrrr at 9:40 PM 14 June 2005 My sincerest appologies to Henry Mancini and fans of his everwhere : As I sit here nervously twitching and convinced I see things, little things at that, moving everwhere I compulsively repeat "dead ant, dead ant, dead ant." I Have inhaled too much RAID and the fact the sun came out today and the humidity held despite the torrential rain preceeding the sun. Well I can't open the windows but I won't have ants overrunning my place either. I think I'd be less addled if I had anything to eat in the house that didn't have to be cooked in the oven thereby increasing the heat to sauna proportions. Minus the steam of course. Simply unappealing this all is. I can't say that enough. The idea little creatures are crawling all over me while I sleep. EWWW doesn't describe it. It never has and never will. Shudders abound. The thing that's irking me the most is that they are not to be found anywhere near the food in the house. What's up with that? I don't claim to be an ant expert but aren't they pretty much looking for food, so why oh why do they haunt my livingroom and bedroom. They even haunt the front hall. Not the kitchen tho. Any ideas? Anyways not wanting to have my puter burst into flames I'll be off now. Catch ya later. I'll be back. Keep blogging. ghost writer Ambrrrr at 6:56 PM 13 June 2005 I fear for my life this road is poison : So I'm daring a mfully computer meltdown to nring you this Sunday's to ten. Just so you know I went and had my site rated and it's only 35% evil so I guess I'm not the BIG BAD after all. I'll be really impressed if anyone can figure out whose song, and what song the title comes from. TOP TEN: 10) We Belong Together - Mariah Carey (it was inevitable it's everywhere andso stuck in my head) 9) Sulk - Radiohead 8) Change of Season - Matthew Good 7) Caruso - Florent Pagny 6) Twitch - Bif Naked 5) Maybe An Angel - Heather Nova 4) Tear In Your Hand - Tori Amos 3) o bla di o bla da - The Beatles 2) Rebellion (Lies) - The Arcade Fire 1) Bulletproof - Blue Rodeo Now if I had more time to listen to the radio I'd have more selection and stuff that's not so 'old. Also I enjoy Canadian music so if there's someone here you don't recognise that may be the reason. Happy blogging !!!!!!!!!!!! ghost writer Ambrrrr at 12:42 AM 10 June 2005 Tonight's fifteen minutes of 'fame' : Well I've got 15 minutes before I have to go to bed so I can get up and be nice to people over the phone without cussing a blue streak when they're on hold or they bug me - which somedays is never but lately has been often. I'm not an 8 am person. If my shift was anythime later I could definitely make it but I got screwed and forced into working Saturdays at 8 am. The managers of my workplace are lower life forms that I won't even deem to talk to. Never gonna get that raise but then, like they want anyone to get one. I want to give a big shout out to Valhalla Shoes - you can find the link in the blog roll. Very interesting things going on over there, please click the link and check it out. Also I'd like to acknowledge everyone who's come by and taken a look and especially left a comment. By Tuesday night I'll have more poetry up and probably something more interesting to say. Being that we're in the middle of the smog/humidex/thunderstorm warning zone of Canada these days I'm starting to feel I NEED AC. I hate AC, the waste of electricity alone makes me feel nauseous. However I love my PC and I can't blog on days like this when the heat is on because it'll double the heat of my place (1 box fan does not an ice palace make) and it'll eventually fry more than just the mouse port on my motherboard. That being said AC (air conditioning) really kills me because I have sinus allergies and it seems to make them worse. Go figure. Anyhoo if I can find one on sale or free then I may lug it back here and put it into the window and pray it will help me sleep and blog. I'll just have to do it with everything else turned off so I can keep the hydro use to a minimum. Wish me mice callers. Keep blogging!!!!!! ghost writer Ambrrrr at 10:44 PM 09 June 2005 well it seems my browser is possessed by this place : I'm up and at 'em for a 10 hour shift of constant yakking. I was oh so happy to see people came by and left comments. It's the little things that keep me going :) Before I go off on my Thursday I always go here: so I have something to think about for the day/week. I'm not totally into the whole horoscopes thing but it can be so fun to see what they say. Also I like Rob's take on the whole astrology thing. Because it's Freewill it's up to you how you take it so it's a lot less like "this is gonna happen, accept it" and more like "Think about this for a bit, want it to happen? Make it." I like that. I've been having this freaky thing going on where after I leave her my browser suddenly starts shooting up these Not Found On Blogger pages. Even if I'm far away from this site on the other side of the internet they start showing up and I can't get rid of them. Has anyone else had this happen? Do you suppose Blogger is trying to tell me something? What do you suppose that is? I'd hazard to say it's that email and dating online isn't as important as exisitng on Blogger but that's just way to existential for me today, it's too early for Cronenbergian type coincidences and if I dwell on it I may start to believe that the Matrix has me and the monitors at work are watching me. Oh yea did I mention that I have a VIVID imagination? See ya later!!!! Keep blogging. ghost writer Ambrrrr at 11:18 AM From The Fully Loaded Mind Of : Today I ws thinking if I were so lucky as to have 2 people in the world who could and would attest to my ability to write well and politically well I'd apply for the job at the Talking Points Memo. Now the fact that I haven't written anything vaguely politcal or even well researched since school is putting me off a bit. That I get lost if you spin me around a bit (no matter where I am)doesn't keep me from thinking I could Live in NYC if needed. The big stumbling block I see here is the references. Uh ok I'm so in need of a change of pace. I wonder if you can intern at TPM? Maybe I'll ask if I get the balls up. So I was over at Matt Good's blog today. I read his most recent post and thought something I've thought a lot in regards to things Mr. Good puts in his songs or on his blog - you read my mind. I think he should apply for the job at TPM. Don't know if he wants to give up his BC lifestyle for the East Coast tho. I was thinking how when my mind wanders and I'm talking I develop a lisp. Say it with me Nee thaaan (Nissan). That sounds oh so professional :) Of course I shudder at the thought that being a tele-monkey is my profession. It's just something I do to pay the bankruptcy trustee and eat and blog. Ah the simple things. If only I didn't have to make 200+ calls in under 6 hours to earn my daily bread. Well I'm grateful to be here and employed. I was thinking how I was wasting my time getting in extra hours in a place with bad air, bad attitudes and four people who quit just today. I wondered again how come I still feel the 'culture shock' of being a small town Manitoba girl in Eastern Ontario. It really is a different reality and people just don't know how good they have it. Oh yea sure I bitch and complain but I came back to it even after swearing I was a westerner for good and ever and moving back to the 'Peg. I was thinking how Tori Amos confuses me. I listen to her songs and I don't "get" them at the time. If I buy her new cd a few years later tho, it all makes sense. I remember getting Little Earthquakes when it first came out and liking her cover of Smell's Like Teen Spirit - it was only ever on the radio I heard that song. I still put Little Earthquakes on and sing along. On the days when I'm about town and randomly singing pieces of songs like I do the Tori song that I find myself singing the most is Tear In Your Hand. It's either the balck of the blackest ocean part or the pieces of me you've never seen, maybe she's just peices of me you've never seen. I was thinking I need to change the title of this blog to be more representative of me. Then I up and forgot what I decided to call it. He he he he, only in Canada you say? Pity. I was thinking The AMBER Room. The Tsars/Czars had one and I do too. Well not literally. I often find it odd that the literal meaning of my name is petrified tree sap. What was it so scared of? Oh yea, Jack Handy has nothing on me. I was mostly thinking how making friends is such an arbitrary thing. Sometimes you keep running into the same people over and again and can't stand any of them. Other times you wonder how you lost touch with that nice one and what they're up to today. I've tried googling my past but it doesn't have a web presence. I guess I won't get any email from the ghost in the machine then :) Well I've succeeded in doing the laundry and so I'm going to toddle off and dream bright shiny hollywood star infested dreams. Keep blogging. ghost writer Ambrrrr at 12:05 AM 08 June 2005 Go here watch this : It's so cute and then again not: ghost writer Ambrrrr at 11:44 PM woke up in my clothes again this morning : don't know exactly where I am So I'm sitting here breathing a sigh of relief that my computer stopped having seizures and commenced to working again. I just want to say sorry to any of the people who read my atom feed, it didn't occur to me what the funny quiz picture results would look like in a plain text feed. I'm new here, please forgive me. I currently have the above song in my head. It just started up with that zippy sax and won't stop. It's because I'm wondering how to get more people to come by here and I'm not sure how to do it. It was nice of a while people came by and left comments, I guess there's not much exciting here now because no one comments. I could try to be more thought provoking. I could go on a rant about the government and the status of the world - but I'm a jaded History major and that said I will segue into another Sting song. History Will Teach Us Nothing. Unfortunate but true. My biggest wonder right now is if I could actually churn out something interesting and readable for the 3 day novel contest. It's become my new obsession since I read about it the other day on (you guessed it) someone else's blog. I think I'm going to start leaving comments on every blog I read a sentence of, maybe that'll get people to come by and comment to me. I'm thinking of changing the SAY SOMETHING GOOD part to read SENT A POSTCARD. Give me your opinion. So now I'm gonna talk about tv. Since it's late and I'm doing my duty to stay up so I don't get too sleepy at work, I have little to choose from to watch. I don't have digital cable so I don't have a wide selection to watch. I can watch CSI Miami, but I don't like it as much as CSI or CSI NY. I wanted to like it but it never grew on me like the others. I just like the characters in CSI and CSI NY more. If I wait a bit longer Craig Ferguson and his sexy brogue will come one. I think he's great but I must admit I wondered if he wasn't picked because his name is Craig. Less changing to do with the title and all that, branding raising its ugly head. I'm totally into Veronica Mars. It's a great show with solid ideas, plots and cast. I love NCIS. But I'd watch anything you put Mark Harmon in. I've been a BIG fan since St. Elsewhere, and I never got that show all I remember is Mark was in it. I was too young for it then. I can't boycott CBS because of this and CSI. I want to because of what they did to my fave Friday night show, Joan of Arcadia. Things were just getting good and there was a defined bad guy and the promise of interesting things to come. I signed up to save Joan because interesting philosophical, think for yourself programs about life and what we choose to believe/do; well they don't come along ever. Usually any show about God makes my skin crawl. Unless it's some educational history type program. Like those, but there's usually a skin crawling factor related to what was done during those times. Go here to save good tv So since I'll watch anything Mark Harmon is in I'm stuck with CBS. Still wishing them problems with Friday nights. I like Numb3rs enough. Rob Morrow still reminds me of Northern Exposure, it's his voice. Peter MacNicol is great as a better (less bizarre) oddball. Ally McBeal made me wonder if he'd ever get another role that wasn't so over the top. Typecasting and all. Of course, in my humble opinion, there are no really sexy dudes about for me to drool over. I wanted to be Scully for years, David Duchovny rocks! I have followed John Corbett around the dial since I saw him in Northern Exposure. I'm glad David Boreanaz is coming back, but I fear for the show already. Eliza Dushku's Tru Calling died. I'm sad Eyes was cancelled, it was cheeky and so much fun. I wasn't happy when that Matthew Foz detective show was cancelled (I wanted to know what was going on there) but now he's LOST and I'm having fun with that. I think Jason Lee is coming to primetime with something. I like him, I hope it stays on. I also liked Fast Eddie and that got cancelled way back when. I don't have the same tastes as everyone, that's for sure. I detest Everybody Loves Raymond. I think I'll like Everybody Hates Chris though. C'mon it's Chris Rock. I've seen the Bad Girl's Guide. It kills the time but I don't know if I like it or not. Too early to tell. I watch Girlfriends and America's Next Top Model and will probably watch an episode or 3 of Big Brother this summer. Only so I know who everyone's talking about when I'm at work. Plus I want to pick who I think will win, then see if I'm right. Gotta have something to do with my spare time. Happy times in tvland. See ya. ghost writer Ambrrrr at 12:34 AM 07 June 2005 Because you WANTED to know :) : ![]() You're Bauhaus, the grandfather's of goth. You probably don't call yourself a goth...but that just makes you cooler. Nice boots, by the way }:) What Goth Band Are You? brought to you by Quizilla LMAO ![]() You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss that never lessens and always blows your partner away like the first time. What kind of kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla You are a Samurai. What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla Your wise quote is: "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising everytime we fall" by Confucius. Yes indeed, you see true strenght can only be seen when a person has "fallen". Only then one can tell how they will handle it. Just don't make others fall so you can know who they really are. You on the other hand may be a very quick recoverer and don't let people bring you down. You are your own, and you're find with that. Emotional issues is something you handle rather nicely. What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla ![]() Morpheus ?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla ![]() You're Bettie Page! What Classic Pin-Up Are You? brought to you by Quizilla ghost writer Ambrrrr at 1:32 PM As usual something I stole from another blog : 100 Things... 05 June 2005 All I WANT is a page HIT : So I know I've got too much time on my hands. I'm like jonesing to see my page hit counter go up a number. Since I'm a rank web search amatuer I can't find this page on a web search and so I'm mildly surprised anyone else has been by here. Suprised but still hoping for more people to find the place and leave comments :) He he he, my little slice of superstardom. Onto something I'm going to try to keep up, my Sunday Top 10. Also Known As the Top 10 songs playing in my head and on my stereo. THE SUNDAY NIGHT TOP TEN ARE: 10) Mercy - Pilate 9) 1Thing - Amerie 8) All These Things That I've Done - The Killers 7) Time - Chantal Kreviazuk 6) He Wasn't - Avril Lavigne 5) Clocks - Coldplay 4) Rebellion (Lies) - The Arcade Fire 3) Whiter Sahde of Pale - Procol Harem 2) Be Yourself - Audioslave 1) A Boy and His Machine Gun - Matthew Good Band The weird thing is that I'm either thinking about or singing peices of these songs all day long. Usually it's because some part of the song is caught in a mental loop and the parts all run together forming their own tune of sorts. Mental sampling if you will. Have fun, keep blogging :) ghost writer Ambrrrr at 9:33 PM What I learned from Buffy THE Vampire Slayer : (Disclaimer: I don't live my life by this show I'm just having fun.) In no particular order(spot the episode names): * Friends are necessary, they tell the hard truths and save your ass * Blondes kick ass * Beer Bad * School Hard * Not everything is clear cut * Stake first ask questions later * Nothing is really hopeless, there is always a way to win * You never really know someone * Love hurts, sometimes it's a killer * Your friends can always bring you back to life * When in doubt dance * Watch the quiet ones * Life is drama, even if it's all in your head * Leather or lace, all are fighting clothes * Getting cocky never ends well * If you don't tan well stick to the sewers * 5x5 is a way of life * Never kill a boy on the first date * No matter how BIG the BAD - you're it's worst nightmare ghost writer Ambrrrr at 9:17 PM I DID WHAT? (I found this on someone else's blog) : X = have done (x) snuck out of the house (x) gotten lost in your city (x) seen a shooting star (x) been to any other countries besides Canada (x) had a serious surgery (x) gone out in public in your pajamas (x) kissed a stranger (x) hugged a stranger (x) been in a fist fight (x) been arrested (x) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose (not reccommended) (x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator (x) swore at your parents (x) been in love (x) been close to love (x) been to a casino ( ) been skydiving (but would like to!) (x) skinny dipped (x) skipped school (x) seen a therapist (x) done the splits (x) played spin the bottle (x) gotten stitches (x) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour (x) bitten someone (x) been to Niagara Falls (x) gotten the chicken pox (x) kissed a member of the opposite sex ( ) crashed into a friend's car ( ) been to Japan (would like to) (x) ridden in a taxi (x) been dumped (x) shoplifted (x) been fired ( ) had a crush on someone of the same sex (x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back (bad poetry abounds from this) (x) gone on a blind date (x) lied to a friend (not proud of it, but it was necessary) (x) had a crush on a teacher ( ) celebrated Mardi-Gras in new Orleans (on my TO DO list) ( ) been to Europe (to do listed) (x) slept with a co-worker (x) been married ( ) gotten divorced (close to it right now) ( ) had children (x) seen someone die (x) had a close friend die ( ) been to Africa (would like to) (x) driven over 400 miles in one day (x) been to US ( ) been to Mexico ( ) been to India (x) been on a plane (x) seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show (x) thrown up in a bar ( ) purposely set a part of myself on fire (fire play - weeee!) ( ) eaten sushi ( ) been skiing/snowboarding (x) met someone in person from the internet (x) lost a child (while I was babysitting one snuck out of the house) (x) gone to college/university (did both) (x) graduated college/university (did both) ( ) fired a gun (x) purposely hurt yourself (x) taken painkillers ( ) been intimate with someone of the same gender (hmm...define intimate...? heh heh) I found this here. ghost writer Ambrrrr at 8:37 PM 04 June 2005 Because I'm a Quiz Junkie : | ||||||||||||||||
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The 4-Variable IQ Test written by chriscoyne on OkCupid Free Online Dating |